Install On Minikube

The cloud is just someone else's computer.

How to install KintoHub on Minikube.

Install and start Minikube#

Visit the minikube documentation and install minikube on your laptop.
Then run minikube start in order to start your cluster locally.

Install KintoHub#

Follow our installation guide to install Argo Workflow.

Change the values inside the curly braces and run

kubectl create ns kintohub
helm repo add kintohub
helm upgrade --install kinto \
--set minio.resources.requests.memory=null \
--set minio.makeBucketJob.resources.requests.memory=null \
--set builder.env.IMAGE_REGISTRY_HOST={registry_host} \
--set builder.workflow.docker.registry={docker_registry_fqdn} \
--set{docker_registry_email} \
--set builder.workflow.docker.username={docker_registry_account_username} \
--set builder.workflow.docker.password={docker_registry_account_password} \
--set common.domainName={your_domain}
--namespace kintohub kintohub/kinto
builder.env.IMAGE_REGISTRY_HOSTThe registry host for pushing/pulling the container images.
builder.workflow.docker.registryThe FQDN for your docker registry. Check here for more information. (For dockerhub please use instead.
builder.workflow.docker.emailYour Docker email.
builder.workflow.docker.usernameYour Docker username.
builder.workflow.docker.passwordYour Docker password.
common.domainNameYour domain name used for dashboard, core and the services you are gonna deployed.

Access KintoHub#

Port forward kinto core and kinto dashboard

kubectl port-forward svc/kinto-core 8090 -n kintohub
kubectl port-forward svc/kinto-dashboard 5000 -n kintohub

Open localhost:5000.